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Das sind erst mal die nackten Fakten, doch wie sind sie zu interpretieren?

Ist der Bildungsstand ein Indiz für Intelligenz? Vermutlich ja, aber diese Schlussfolgerung ist nicht zwingend. Er kann auch ein Indiz für Konformität sein. Gegenprobe: Welchen Schulabschluss machen Sie wohl voraussichtlich, wenn Sie den Lehrern widersprechen? Es muss ja nicht unbedingt in Mathematik sein. Es reicht z.B. auch in der Biologie, insbesondere in der Sexualkunde. Eine andere Erklärung wäre, dass ein längerer Aufenthalt im Bildungssystem mit zunehmender Indoktrinierung korreliert. Auf der Hauptschule gibt es Gemeinschaftskunde nicht in allen Bundesländern, auf dem Gymnasium schon.

Eine skurille Erklärung für Verschwörungstheoretiker, Esotheriker, Aluhutträger und sonstige Spinner wäre, dass sich die Vohersagen des amerikanischen Nostradamus Louis Nizer mal wieder rein zufällig bewahrheitet haben. Sein Vorschlag zur Reformierung des deutschen Bildungssystems lautete wie folgt:

First, that the entire educational system of Germany be scrapped, just as its arms factories must be. The mental products it has produced have been no less dangerous to mankind than the other varieties of explosives from its munition plants.

Second, that the task of obliterating the false doctrines of German nationalism is not to be entrusted solely to the Germans. They have been immersed in vicious credos for many generations, and the Nazis have accelerated the process with hysteria. We have seen the degenerative educational processes unmolested after the first World War, when the problem was left to German solution. Noble resolutions went as unheeded as solemn assurances of disarmament. The price of failure was a second World War. The matter cannot again be left to German selfreform.

Third, that the educational program be effectuated under international auspices. If a supra-national authority is created, it would afford the most appropriate and least biased supervision. Otherwise, the United Nations would be charged with the task, just as they must accept the responsibility of the other phases of the program. The most suitable agency to devise the details of the educational reform, such as the curricula of the schools, the selection of teachers and text-books, and pedagogical matters generally, would be an International University. We have outlined the structure, function and authority of such an institution. It would be the „High Command“ of the educational offensive. All German text-books must bear the imprimatur of the International University. Outstanding German students would be offered the opportunity of postgraduate courses in the International University. They would return to Germany as teachers, to found a new cultural tradition infused with an international civic sense. A new cycle of normal nationalism would be begun, whose expression would be Germany’s contribution to the welfare and peace of Europe.

Fourth, that the professors, wherever possible, should be German liberals and democrats. Others will be chosen internationally. We have considered the irritation of „foreign“ intrusion. It must be reduced to its minimum, but it must never become the reason for abandoning control. We have studied the disastrous effects of the last experiment in autonomous educational reform.

Fifth, that the revitalization of a democratic culture be implemented by every conceivable instrument for invading the mind. We have outlined the possible function in this respect of the church, the motion picture, the theatre, the radio, the press, and the labor unions. (= Kontrollratsdirektive 54)

There will be educational service instead of military service, and every German will be under compulsion to become prepared for his peaceful duty as once he was for his martial one.

Sixth, that the extensive educational program will have for one of its main objects training in democratic selfrule. If and when the German people are, in the impartial judgment of the International University, prepared for their proper place in the society of nations, they will be welcomed to their new obligation. No more will they be deemed a menace. Their sovereignty will be restored. Their redemption quite properly will come through the mind. For only when their intentions and viewpoints are normal will the physical safeguards against them become unnecessary.

Insoweit besteht auch eine bemerkenswerte Korrelation. Die letzte Generation, die ihr Abitur vor der Gründung der Bundesrepublik gemacht hat, war der Jahrgang 1930. Die gingen noch mit 63 Jahren in Rente, also im Jahre 1993. Wann begann der Abstieg der Bundesrepublik? Ziemlich punktgenau 1993. Dieses Phänomen lässt sich auch international beobachten: Der Fortschritt in der Forschung erlahmt weltweit. Das kann natürlich daran liegen, dass heute fast alles ausreichend erforscht ist, es kann aber daran liegen, dass unser Bildungssystem tonnenweise angepasste komplett gehirngewaschene Mitläufer produziert, die nichts mehr kritisch hinterfragen, was ihnen vorgedacht wird. Dies erklärt das unterschiedliche Wahlverhalten je nach Schulabschluss auch.